Allow Users to see all inbound and outbound faxes for associated numbers
under review
Hiliary Cheatwood
Grace Kendree, if a fax is sent through API that fax is linked to the original account Owner. We have users assigned to only certain numbers, and those numbers send faxes via API, they should not be admins and have access to all numbers. Which leads to the issue that they cannot see outbound faxes associated with their numbers to troubleshoot. So the fact that Admins can see all inbound/outbound is not particularly helpful for us as it means another person has to get involved to troubleshoot.
Grace Kendree
Hiliary Cheatwood: API keys are created on the user level, so you can create an API key for the user you want to send the fax. When using that user's API key, all faxes sent using this key will display in their history.
Grace Kendree
Hi all! In our system, faxes are sent from users rather than numbers, so a fax isn't able to be viewed from the number it's sent from since it's actually sent from a user. Admins on the account are able to view all faxes sent from all users on the account, and all inbound faxes to numbers on the account. Hope this helps!
Mackenzie Borman
under review
Chris Prompovitch
100% agree with this. We have an outsourced team that manages our fax inboxes and turnover is high, e.g. we have new people come into help sort through and triage our inbox all the time.
When someone new is added not being able to see all of the existing faxes in the inbox is a major pain point, especially if there is a large backlog of faxes we need to work through.
Mike Soto
I have a new user starting next week. They will need access to a set of fax numbers. They will not be able to see any of the existing faxes, only faxes received after their account is created. Makes no sense.